čaute som CJ žijem v Los Santos
sú tu mestá:Los Santos,San Fiero,Las Venturas.
poviem vám veci čo sú v San Andreas:
A) Los Santos
V Los Santos jsou dvě tuningové firmy v různých částech města - Loco low a TransFender.
Low-ride auta:
Lze zde ještě vytunit auta Tahoma a Woodoo, ale lze jim změnit pouze barvu, přidat Nitro, hydrauliku, stereo a jiné rezervy.
Nitro - láhev NOSu z NFS. Zrychlí auto
Roof - střecha
Hood - kapota
Vents - ventilátor
Exhausts - výfuky
Spoilers - spojlery
Side skirt - postranní čára
Lights - světla
Zde je seznam aut a možných věcí k jejich tuningu:
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Blista Compact
Hood: Race Scoop
Vents: Oval Hood Vent
Exhausts: Large Exhaust, Twin Exhaust
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Roof: Roof Scoop
Spoilers: Fury Spoiler, Win Spoiler, Alpha Spoiler, Drag Spoiler
Side Skirts: Side Skirt
Exhausts: Large Exhaust, Medium Exhaust, Twin Exhaust
Lights: Round Fog Lamp
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Side Skirts: Side Skirt
Hood: Fury Scoop, Champ Scoop
Vents: Oval Hood Vent, Square Hood Vent
Exhausts: Large Exhaust, Twin Exhaust
Lights: Round Fog Lamp
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Roof: Roof Scoop
Spoilers: Win Spoiler, Alpha Spoiler
Side Skirts: Side Skirt
Hood: Fury Scoop
Vents: Oval Hood Vent, Square Hood Vent
Exhausts: Large Exhaust, Upswept Exhaust
Lights: Round Fog Lamp
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Roof: Roof Scoop
Spoilers: Win Spoiler, Fury Spoiler, Alpha Spoiler
Side Skirts: Side Skirt
Nitro: 2x, 2x, 10x
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Exhausts: Medium Exhaust, Large Exhaust, Upswept Exhaust
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Spoilers: Win Spoiler, Champ Spoiler, Race Spoiler
Side Skirts: Side Skirt
Exhausts: Twin Exhaust, Upswept Exhaust
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Spoilers: Win Spoiler, Fury Spoiler, Alpha Spoiler
Side Skirts: Side Skirt
Vents: Square Hood Vent
Exhausts: Large Exhaust, Medium Exhaust, Twin Exhaust, Upswept Exhaust
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Spoiler: Champ Spoiler, Race Spoiler
Hood: Fury Scoop, Champ Scoop
Vents: Square Hood Vent
Exhausts: Large Exhaust, Upswept Exhaust
Lights: Square Fog Lamp, Round Fog Lamp
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Roof: Roof Scoop
Spoilers: Worx Spoiler, Pro Spoiler
Side Skirts: Side Skirt
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Vents: Oval Hood Vent, Square Hood Vent
Exhausts: Large Exhaust, Twin Exhaust, Upswept Exhaust
Lights: Round Fog Lamp
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Roof: Roof Scoop
Spoilers: Win Spoiler, Fury Spoiler, Alpha Spoiler
Side Skirts: Side Skirt
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Hood: Fury Scoop, Champ Scoop
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Roof: Roof Scoop
Spoilers: Worx Spoiler, Pro Spoiler
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Hood: Champ Scoop
Vents: Oval Hood Vent, Square Hood Vent
Exhausts: Twin Exhaust, Upswept Exhaust
Lights: Square Fog Lamp
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Roof: Roof Scoop
Spoilers: Drag Spoiler, Win Spoiler, Fury Spoiler
Side Skirts: Side Skirt
Exhausts: Large Exhaust, Medium Exhaust, Twin Exhaust, Upswept Exhaust
Lights: Round Fog Lamp, Square Fog Lamp
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Vents: Oval Hood Vent, Square Hood Vent
Exhausts: Large Exhaust, Twin Exhaust, Upswept Exhaust
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Spoilers: Drag Spoiler, Fury Spoiler, Worx Spoiler, Alpha Spoiler
Side Skirts: Side Skirt
Exhausts: Large Exhaust, Medium Exhaust, Twin Exhaust
Lights: Round Fog Lamp, Square Fog Lamp
Spoilers: Win Spoiler, Fury Spoiler, Alpha Spoiler
Side Skirts: Side Skirt
Hood: Fury Scoop
Exhausts: Large Exhaust, Medium Exhaust, Twin Exhaust, Upswept Exhaust
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Roof: Roof Scoop
Spoilers: Drag Spoiler, Fury Spoiler, Worx Spoiler, Alpha Spoiler
Exhausts: Large Exhaust, Medium Exhaust, Twin Exhaust
Lights: Round Fog Lamp, Square Fog Lamp
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Exhausts: Large Exhaust, Medium Exhaust
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Roof: Roof Scoop
Spoilers: Drag Spoiler, Worx Spoiler
Hood: Champ Scoop
Exhausts: Large Exhaust, Medium Exhaust, Twin Exhaust, Upswept Exhaust
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Spoilers: Drag Spoiler, Race Spoiler, Worx Spoiler, Pro Spoiler
Side Skirts: Side Skirt
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Exhausts: Large Exhaust, Medium Exhaust, Twin Exhaust
Lights: Round Fog Lamp
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Spoilers: Drag Spoiler, Worx Spoiler, Pro Spoiler
Side Skirts: Side Skirt
Vents: Square Hood Vent, Oval Hood Vent
Exhausts: Large Exhaust, Twin Exhaust, Upswept Exhaust
Lights: Square Fog Lamp
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Roof: Roof Scoop
Spoilers: Win Spoiler, Fury Spoiler
Side Skirts: Side Skirt
Hood: Fury Scoop, Champ Scoop
Exhausts: Large Exhaust, Small Exhaust, Upswept Exhaust
Lights: Round Fog Lamp
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Roof: Roof Scoop
Side Skirts: Side Skirt
Hood: Fury Scoop, Champ Scoop
Exhausts: Medium Exhaust, Twin Exhaust
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Roof: Roof Scoop
Spoilers: Win Spoiler, Alpha Spoiler
Exhausts: Large Exhaust, Medium Exhaust, Small Exhaust, Twin Exhaust
Lights: Round Fog Lamp
Roof: Roof Scoop
Spoilers: Win Spoiler, Alpha Spoiler
Side Skirts: Side Skirt
Vents: Oval Hood Vent
Exhausts: Large Exhaust, Medium Exhaust, Twin Exhaust, Upswept Exhaust
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Spoilers: Worx Spoiler, Alpha Spoiler, Pro Spoiler
Hood: Fury Scoop, Champ Scoop
Exhausts: Large Exhaust, Twin Exhaust, Upswept Exhaust
Lights: Round Fog Lamp, Square Fog Lamp
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Roof: Roof Scoop
Spoilers: Drag Spoiler, Worx Spoiler, Pro Spoiler
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Exhausts: Large Exhaust, Medium Exhaust, Twin Exhaust, Upswept Exhaust
Spoilers: Win Spoiler, Champ Spoiler, Fury Spoiler, Pro Spoiler
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Exhausts: Large Exhaust, Upswept Exhaust
Roof: Roof Scoop
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Spoilers: Win Spoiler, Fury Spoiler
Side Skirts: Side Skirt
Vents: Oval Hood Vent, Square Hood Vent
Lights: Round Fog Lamp
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Spoilers: Alpha Spoiler, Fury Spoiler, Win Spoiler
Side Skirts: Side Skirt
Nitro: 2x
Hood: Fury Scoop, Champ Scoop
Vents: Oval Hood Vent, Square Hood Vent
Exhausts: Large Exhaust, Twin Exhaust, Upswept Exhaust
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Roof: Roof Scoop
Spoilers: Win Spoiler, Fury Spoiler, Alpha Spoiler
Super GT
Nitro: 2x
Hood: Worx Scoop, Race Scoop
Vents: Oval Hood Vent, Square Hood Vent
Exhausts: Large Exhaust, Twin Exhaust, Upswept Exhaust
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Spoilers: Win Spoiler, Fury Spoiler, Alpha Spoiler
Side Skirts: Side Skirt
Hood: Fury Scoop, Champ Scoop
Exhausts: Medium Exhaust, Twin Exhaust
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Spoilers: Win Spoiler, Alpha Spoiler
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Hood: Champ Scoop
Vents: Oval Hood Vent, Square Hood Vent
Exhausts: Large Exhaust, Twin Exhaust, Upswept Exhaust
Lights: Square Fog Lamp
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Roof: Roof Scoop
Spoilers: Win Spoiler, Fury Spoiler
Side Skirts: Side Skirt
Vent: Oval Hood Vent, Square Hood Vent
Exhausts: Large Exhaust, Medium Exhaust, Twin Exhaust, Upswept Exhaust
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Spoilers: Champ Spoiler, Fury Spoiler, Alpha Spoiler
Side Skirts: Side Skirt
Hood: Fury Scoop, Champ Scoop, Worx Scoop
Exhausts: Large Exhaust, Medium Exhaust, Small Exhaust
Lights: Round Fog Lamp, Square Fog Lamp
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Exhaust: Large Exhaust, Medium Exhaust, Twin Exhaust, Upswept Exhaust
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Spoilers: Champ Spoiler, Fury Spoiler, Worx Spoiler, Pro Spoiler
Hood Scoop: Worx Scoop, Race Scoop
Exhausts: Large Exhaust, Twin Exhaust, Upswept Exhaust
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Roof: Roof Scoop
Spoilers: Win Spoiler, Fury Spoiler, Alpha Spoiler
Side Skirts: Side Skirt
Windsor Windsor
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Exhausts: Large Exhaust, Medium Exhaust, Twin Exhaust, Upswept Exhaust
Nitro: 2x, 5x, 10x
Roof: Roof Scoop
Side Skirts: Side Skirt
V San Fierru lze najít také dvě garáže, tak se na ně podívejme
C) Las Venturas
A Poslední garáž je v Las Venturas
V San Andreas se nachází 4 striptýzové kluby. Tři v Las Venturas a jeden najdete v Los Santos. Pokud vás omrzí všechny ty přestřelky, honičky a gangsteři, můžete si zde odpočinout. Stačí najít nejbližší klub z naší mapky.
Pokud máte chuť, můžete se jen dívat na striptérky a občas je obdarovat po 20 dolarech. Jakmile jim tyto "malé" penízky dáte, odmění se vám různými figurami. Ale pokud by jste chtěli trochu soukromí, jděte do malé místnůstky. Za 100 dolarů si můžete nechat zatancovat dívkami, třeba oblečenými do policejní uniformy.
Los Santos
The Pig Pen
Striptýzový klub, které najdete můžete navštívit jako první, protože se nachází v rodném městě - Los Santos. A navíc to nemáte moc daleko od svého domu. Ale pozor! Nachází se v Ballasově území! Před s sebou má spousty místa na parkování. Oblast Východ Los Santos - East Los Santos.
Las Venturas
1) The Big Spread Ranch
Tento klub najdete na západě od Las Venturas, blízko kolejového přejezdu a obchodu Ammu-Nation - oblast Bone County. Barvu má růžovou a má okolo sebe vysoké palmy. Nejde přehlédnout.
2) Nude Strippers Daily
Klub, který najdete na jižním rohu Las Venturas. Je celkem malý a nejde přehlédnout. Vstupuje se malými dveřmi u ulice. Oblast Com-A-Lot.
3) Live Nude Girls
Do třetice další klub. Najdete ho na rohu ulice Old Venturas Strip. Jde trochu snadněji přehlédnout, kvůli podobným domům okolo.
DJ: Johnny "The Love Giant" Parkinson
1. Charles Wright - Express Yourself
2. Maceo And The Macks - Cross The Tracks (We Better Go Back)
3. Harlem Underground Band - Smokin' Cheeba Cheeba
4. The Chakachas - Jungle Fever
5. Bob James - Nautilus
6. Booker T And The MGs - Green Onions
7. The Blackbyrds - Rock Creek Park
8. Bobby Byrd - Hot Pants
9. Bobby Byrd - I Know You Got Soul
10. James Brown - Funky President
11. James Brown - The Payback
12. Lyn Collins - Think About It
13. Lyn Collins - Rock Me Again And Again
14. Maceo And The Macks - Soul Power 74
15. The JBs - Grunt
16. War - Low Rider
17. Gloria Jones - Tainted Love
18. Sir Joe Quarterman - So Much Trouble In My Mind
DJ: Forth Right MC
1. Kool G - Road To The Riches
2. Big Daddy Kane - Warm It Up Kane
3. Spoonie G - The Godfather
4. Masta Ace - Me And The Biz
5. Slick Rick - Children's Story
6. Public Enemy - Rebel Without A Pause
7. Eric B And Rakim - I Know You Got Soul
8. Rob Base And DJ EZ Rock - It Takes Two
9. Gang Starr - BYS
10. Biz Markie - The Vapours
11. Brand Nubian - Brand Nubian
12. Ultramagnetic MCs - Critical Breakdown
DJ: The Funktipus
1. Zapp - I Can Make You Dance
2. Kool And The Gang - Hollywood Swinging
3. Ohio Players - Love Rollercoaster
4. Rick James - Cold Blooded
5. Maze - Twilight
6. Fat Back - Yum Yum
7. Isley Brothers - Between The Sheets
8. Ronnie Hudson - West Coast Poplock
9. Lakeside - Fantastic Voyage
10. George Clinton - Loopzilla
11. Dazz Band - Let It Whip
12. Cameo - Candy
13. Ohio Players - Funky Worm
DJ: Tommy "The Nightmare" Smith
1. Foghat - Slow Ride
2. Creedence Clearwater Revival - Green River
3. Heart - Barracuda
4. Kiss - Strutter
5. Toto - Hold The Line
6. Rod Stewart - Young Turks
7. Tom Petty - Running Down A Dream
8. Joe Cocker - Woman To Woman
9. Humble Pie - Get Down To It
10. Grand Funk Railroad - Some Kind Of Wonderful
11. Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird
12. America - A Horse With No Name
13. The Who - Eminence Front
14. Boston - Smokin'
15. David Bowie - Someone Up There Likes Me
16. Eddie Money - Two Tickets To Paradise
17. Billy Idol - White Wedding
DJ: Marshall Peters & Johnny Lawton
1. Black Harmony - Don't Let It Go To Your Head
2. Blood Sisters - Ring My Bell
3. Shabba Ranks - Wicked Inna Bed
4. Buju Banton - Batty Rider
5. Augustus Pablo - King Tubby Meets Rockers Uptown
6. Dennis Brown - Revolution
7. Willie William - Armagideon Time
8. I Roy - Sidewalk Killer
9. Toots And The Maytals - Funky Kingston
10. Dillinger - Cocaine In My Brain
11. The Maytals - Pressure Drop
12. The Pliars - Bam Bam
13. Barrington Levy - Here I Come
14. Reggie Stepper - Drum Pan Sound
15. Black Uhuru - Great Train Robbery
16. Max Romeo And The Upsetters - Chase The Devil
DJ: Philip "PM" Michaels
1. SWV - I'm So Into You
2. Soul II Soul - Keep On Movin
3. Samuelle - So You Like What You See
4. En Vogue - My Lovin'
5. Johnny Gill - Rub You The Right Way
6. Ralph Tresvant - Sensitivity
7. Guy - Groove Me
8. Aaron Hall - Don't Be Afraid
9. Boyz II Men - Motown Philly
10. Bell Biv Devoe - Poison
11. Today - I Got The Feeling
12. Wrecks 'n' Effect - New Jack Swing
13. Bobby Brown - Don't Be Cruel
DJ: Sage
1. Helmet - Unsung
2. Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus
3. Faith No More - Midlife Crisis
4. Danzig - Mother
5. Living Colour - Cult Of Personality
6. Primal Scream - Movin' On Up
7. Guns N' Roses - Welcome To The Jungle
8. L7 - Pretend We're Dead
9. Ozzy Ozbourne - Hellraiser
10. Soundgarden - Rusty Cage
11. Rage Against The Machine - Killing In The Name
12. Jane's Addiction - Been Caught Stealing
13. The Stone Roses - Fool's Gold
14. Alice In Chains - Them Bones
15. Stone Temple Pilots - Plush
DJ: Mary-Beth Maybell
1. Jerry Reed - Amos Moses
2. Conway Twitty And Lorretta Lynn - Louisiana Woman, Mississippi Man
3. Hank Williams - Hey Good Lookin'
4. Juice Newton - Queen Of Hearts
5. Asleep At The Wheel - The Letter That Johnny Walker Read
6. The Desert Rose Band - One Step Forward
7. Willie Nelson - Crazy
8. Patsy Cline - Three Cigarettes In The Ashtray
9. Mickey Gilley - Make The World Go Away
10. Ed Bruce - Mamma Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys
11. Merle Haggard - Always Wanting You
12. Whitey Shafer - All My Exes Live In Texas
13. Eddie Rabbit - I Love A Rainy Night
14. Statler Brothers - New York City
15. Statler Brothers - Bed Of Roses
DJ: Julio G
1. Too Short - The Ghetto
2. 2 Pac - I Don't Give A F**k
3. Compton's Most Wanted - Hood Took Me Under
4. Dr Dre - Nuthin' But A G Thang
5. Dr Dre - F**k Wit Dre Day
6. Dr Dre - Deep Cover
7. Kid Frost - La Raza
8. Cypress Hill - How I Could Just Kill A Man
9. The Doc - It's Funky Enough
10. NWA - Alwayz Into Something
11. NWA - Express Yourself
12. Ice Cube - It Was A Good Day
13. Ice Cube - Check Yo Self
14. Easy E - Easy-Er Said Than Done
15. Above The Law - Murder Rap
16. Da Lench Mob - Guerrillas In Tha Mist
DJ: Hans Oberlander
1. Jomanda - Make My Body Rock
2. 808 State - Pacific
3. The Todd Terry Project - Weekend
4. NightWriters - Let The Music Use You
5. Marshall Jefferson - Move Your Body
6. Maurice - This Is Acid
7. Mr Fingers - Can You Feel It?
8. A Guy Called Gerald - Voodoo Ray
9. Cultural Vibe - Ma Foom Bey
10. Ce Ce Rogers - Someday
11. Robert Owens - I'll Be Your Friend
12. Frankie Knuckles - Your Love
13. Joe Smooth - Promised Land
14. 28th Street Crew - I Need A Rhythm
15. Raze - Break 4 Love
16. Fallout - The Morning After
DJ: Johnny "The Love Giant" Parkinson
1. Charles Wright - Express Yourself
2. Maceo And The Macks - Cross The Tracks (We Better Go Back)
3. Harlem Underground Band - Smokin' Cheeba Cheeba
4. The Chakachas - Jungle Fever
5. Bob James - Nautilus
6. Booker T And The MGs - Green Onions
7. The Blackbyrds - Rock Creek Park
8. Bobby Byrd - Hot Pants
9. Bobby Byrd - I Know You Got Soul
10. James Brown - Funky President
11. James Brown - The Payback
12. Lyn Collins - Think About It
13. Lyn Collins - Rock Me Again And Again
14. Maceo And The Macks - Soul Power 74
15. The JBs - Grunt
16. War - Low Rider
17. Gloria Jones - Tainted Love
18. Sir Joe Quarterman - So Much Trouble In My Mind
DJ: Forth Right MC
1. Kool G - Road To The Riches
2. Big Daddy Kane - Warm It Up Kane
3. Spoonie G - The Godfather
4. Masta Ace - Me And The Biz
5. Slick Rick - Children's Story
6. Public Enemy - Rebel Without A Pause
7. Eric B And Rakim - I Know You Got Soul
8. Rob Base And DJ EZ Rock - It Takes Two
9. Gang Starr - BYS
10. Biz Markie - The Vapours
11. Brand Nubian - Brand Nubian
12. Ultramagnetic MCs - Critical Breakdown
DJ: The Funktipus
1. Zapp - I Can Make You Dance
2. Kool And The Gang - Hollywood Swinging
3. Ohio Players - Love Rollercoaster
4. Rick James - Cold Blooded
5. Maze - Twilight
6. Fat Back - Yum Yum
7. Isley Brothers - Between The Sheets
8. Ronnie Hudson - West Coast Poplock
9. Lakeside - Fantastic Voyage
10. George Clinton - Loopzilla
11. Dazz Band - Let It Whip
12. Cameo - Candy
13. Ohio Players - Funky Worm
DJ: Tommy "The Nightmare" Smith
1. Foghat - Slow Ride
2. Creedence Clearwater Revival - Green River
3. Heart - Barracuda
4. Kiss - Strutter
5. Toto - Hold The Line
6. Rod Stewart - Young Turks
7. Tom Petty - Running Down A Dream
8. Joe Cocker - Woman To Woman
9. Humble Pie - Get Down To It
10. Grand Funk Railroad - Some Kind Of Wonderful
11. Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird
12. America - A Horse With No Name
13. The Who - Eminence Front
14. Boston - Smokin'
15. David Bowie - Someone Up There Likes Me
16. Eddie Money - Two Tickets To Paradise
17. Billy Idol - White Wedding
DJ: Marshall Peters & Johnny Lawton
1. Black Harmony - Don't Let It Go To Your Head
2. Blood Sisters - Ring My Bell
3. Shabba Ranks - Wicked Inna Bed
4. Buju Banton - Batty Rider
5. Augustus Pablo - King Tubby Meets Rockers Uptown
6. Dennis Brown - Revolution
7. Willie William - Armagideon Time
8. I Roy - Sidewalk Killer
9. Toots And The Maytals - Funky Kingston
10. Dillinger - Cocaine In My Brain
11. The Maytals - Pressure Drop
12. The Pliars - Bam Bam
13. Barrington Levy - Here I Come
14. Reggie Stepper - Drum Pan Sound
15. Black Uhuru - Great Train Robbery
16. Max Romeo And The Upsetters - Chase The Devil
DJ: Philip "PM" Michaels
1. SWV - I'm So Into You
2. Soul II Soul - Keep On Movin
3. Samuelle - So You Like What You See
4. En Vogue - My Lovin'
5. Johnny Gill - Rub You The Right Way
6. Ralph Tresvant - Sensitivity
7. Guy - Groove Me
8. Aaron Hall - Don't Be Afraid
9. Boyz II Men - Motown Philly
10. Bell Biv Devoe - Poison
11. Today - I Got The Feeling
12. Wrecks 'n' Effect - New Jack Swing
13. Bobby Brown - Don't Be Cruel
DJ: Sage
1. Helmet - Unsung
2. Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus
3. Faith No More - Midlife Crisis
4. Danzig - Mother
5. Living Colour - Cult Of Personality
6. Primal Scream - Movin' On Up
7. Guns N' Roses - Welcome To The Jungle
8. L7 - Pretend We're Dead
9. Ozzy Ozbourne - Hellraiser
10. Soundgarden - Rusty Cage
11. Rage Against The Machine - Killing In The Name
12. Jane's Addiction - Been Caught Stealing
13. The Stone Roses - Fool's Gold
14. Alice In Chains - Them Bones
15. Stone Temple Pilots - Plush
DJ: Mary-Beth Maybell
1. Jerry Reed - Amos Moses
2. Conway Twitty And Lorretta Lynn - Louisiana Woman, Mississippi Man
3. Hank Williams - Hey Good Lookin'
4. Juice Newton - Queen Of Hearts
5. Asleep At The Wheel - The Letter That Johnny Walker Read
6. The Desert Rose Band - One Step Forward
7. Willie Nelson - Crazy
8. Patsy Cline - Three Cigarettes In The Ashtray
9. Mickey Gilley - Make The World Go Away
10. Ed Bruce - Mamma Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys
11. Merle Haggard - Always Wanting You
12. Whitey Shafer - All My Exes Live In Texas
13. Eddie Rabbit - I Love A Rainy Night
14. Statler Brothers - New York City
15. Statler Brothers - Bed Of Roses
DJ: Julio G
1. Too Short - The Ghetto
2. 2 Pac - I Don't Give A F**k
3. Compton's Most Wanted - Hood Took Me Under
4. Dr Dre - Nuthin' But A G Thang
5. Dr Dre - F**k Wit Dre Day
6. Dr Dre - Deep Cover
7. Kid Frost - La Raza
8. Cypress Hill - How I Could Just Kill A Man
9. The Doc - It's Funky Enough
10. NWA - Alwayz Into Something
11. NWA - Express Yourself
12. Ice Cube - It Was A Good Day
13. Ice Cube - Check Yo Self
14. Easy E - Easy-Er Said Than Done
15. Above The Law - Murder Rap
16. Da Lench Mob - Guerrillas In Tha Mist
DJ: Hans Oberlander
1. Jomanda - Make My Body Rock
2. 808 State - Pacific
3. The Todd Terry Project - Weekend
4. NightWriters - Let The Music Use You
5. Marshall Jefferson - Move Your Body
6. Maurice - This Is Acid
7. Mr Fingers - Can You Feel It?
8. A Guy Called Gerald - Voodoo Ray
9. Cultural Vibe - Ma Foom Bey
10. Ce Ce Rogers - Someday
11. Robert Owens - I'll Be Your Friend
12. Frankie Knuckles - Your Love
13. Joe Smooth - Promised Land
14. 28th Street Crew - I Need A Rhythm
15. Raze - Break 4 Love
16. Fallout - The Morning After
Náhledy fotografií ze složky san andreas
Přehled komentářů
kkte si lama vetsi sem nevydel koukas na naruta a toto mas ete z gta.cz!!!!! lamova stranka
(davca85, 18. 5. 2009 14:59)